World 1: Jungle
1-1: Jungle Hijinx
1-2: King of Cling
1-3: Tree Top Bop
1-4: Sunset Shore
1-5: Canopy Cannons
1-6: Crazy Cart
1-K: Platform Panic
1-Boss: Mugly's Mound
World 2: Beach
2-1: Poppin' Planks
2-2: Sloppy Sands
2-3: Peaceful Pier
2-4: Cannon Cluster
2-5: Stormy Shore
2-6: Blowhole Bound
2-7: Tidal Terror
2-K: Tumblin' Temple
2-Boss: Pinchin' Pirates
World 3: Ruins
3-1: Wonky Waterway
3-2: Button Bash
3-3: Mast Blast
3-4: Damp Dungeon
3-5: Itty Bitty Biters
3-6: Temple Topple
3-K: Shifty Smashers
3-Boss: Ruined Roost
World 4: Cave
4-1: Rickety Rails
4-2: Grip 'n' Trip
4-3: Bombs Away
4-4: Mole Patrol
4-5: Crowded Cavern
4-K: Jagged Jewel
4-Boss: The Mole Train
World 5: Forest
5-1: Vine Valley
5-2: Clingy Swingy
5-3: Flutter Flyaway
5-4: Tippin' Totems
5-5: Longshot Launch
5-6: Springy Spores
5-7: Wigglevine Wonders
5-8: Muncher Marathon
5-K: Blast 'n' Bounce
5-Boss: Mangoruby Run
World 6: Cliff
6-1: Sticky Situation
6-2: Prehistoric Path
6-3: Weighty Way
6-4: Boulder Roller
6-5: Precarious Plateau
6-6: Crumble Canyon
6-7: Tippy Shippy
6-8: Clifftop Climb
6-K: Perilous Passage
6-Boss: Thugly's Highrise
World 7: Factory
7-1: Foggy Fumes
7-2: Slammin' Steel
7-3: Handy Hazards
7-4: Gear Getaway
7-5: Cog Jog
7-6: Switcheroo
7-7: Music Madness
7-K: Treacherous Track
7-Boss: Feather Fiend
World 8: Volcano
8-1: Furious Fire
8-2: Hot Rocket
8-3: Roasting Rails
8-4: Smokey Peak
8-5: Bobbing Basalt
8-6: Moving Melters
8-7: Red Red Rising
8-K: Five Monkey Trial
8-Boss: Tiki Tong Terror
World 9: Cloud
9-1: Crushin' Columns
9-2: Gushin' Geysers
9-3: Spiky Surprise
9-4: Mischievous Moles
9-5: Topsy Turvy
9-6: Tar Ball Fall
9-7: Robo Factory
9-8: Lavawheel Volcano
9-9: Golden Temple
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